Thursday Evening April 6th 2017
“Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes.”
– Peter F. Drucker
I. The City of Albuquerque was reportedly scammed out of $400k, story here. Our municipal government is obviously not utilizing best practices when it comes to paying vendors. Berry’s administration on watch… or not. It’s not often the Government gets a taste of its own medicine though.
II. New Mexico’s Tax environment is one of the worst in the nation, one of 20 most burdensome to be exact. Our economy, with the highest unemployment in the nation, certainly reflects this.
New Mexico was No. 20 on WalletHub’s list of states with the highest tax burden, with a total tax burden of 8.72 percent. New Mexico was also No. 4 for highest total sales and excise of tax as percentage of personal income
III. Governor Martinez signed numerous bills today and signaled the possibility of a short special session to remedy ongoing budget blunders, Dan McKay has more here
IV. Breaking News: Tomahawk Missiles from U.S. Navy Destroyers have fired on Syria, more here
V. Georgia O’Keeffe: Rattlesnakes and Ladders. Time photos of the legendary artist who loved our part of world here.
VI. The Master Roaster, King of Irreverence has passed…finally. RIP Don Rickles