Pope Francis Mistakes Libertarianism as Radical Individualism

Pope Francis Mistakes Libertarianism as Radical Individualism

In a recent statement to the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences entitled Towards a Participatory Society, Pope Francis spoke critically of libertarianism by name. “I cannot fail to speak of the grave risks associated with the invasion of the positions of libertarian individualism,” warned the Holy Father. Throughout the memo, Pope Francis refers to libertarianism as a…

What powers the U.S. electric grid of the future?

What powers the U.S. electric grid of the future?

The Trump administration’s well publicized push to roll back President Obama’s Clean Power Plan, including Energy Secretary Rick Perry’s grid study intended to boost coal, are not going to revitalize the coal industry. The evolution of the U.S. electric grid from baseload coal plants to more renewable energy is not so much due to a…

Note Bene: Good Friday
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Note Bene: Good Friday

Unless there is a Good Friday in your life, there can be no Easter Sunday. – Venerable Fulton Sheen I. The City of Albuquerque wants to raise your gasoline taxes to pay for “muh” roads! Story here. Basic municipal responsibilities include infrastructure upkeep. If this City Council and Mayor didn’t spend tax dollars on wasteful…

Nota Bene: 04.07.17
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Nota Bene: 04.07.17

“When tyranny becomes law, rebellion is a right” – Simon Bolivar I. Martinez vetoes tax hikes, funding for higher education and Legislature II. Opioid abuse is an epidemic because it’s being institutionalized with no officially recommended alternatives while the Feds continue their disastrous drug war. Cannabis has helped Veterans with opioid addictions return to functional…