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Crib Sheet: January 31, 2017

Crib Sheet: January 31, 2017

“We’ve had steady and consistent growth in New Mexico since statehood, but from 2010 until 2016, we’ve been flat. That is historic.” – pollster Brian Sanderoff on a recent analysis looking at New Mexico’s slow population growth

The Crib Sheet is a collection of stories, events, and ideas that are shaping the conversation in New Mexico and D.C. politics.

[New Mexico]
  • New Mexico lawmakers worked Monday on the so called “feed bill” that pays for the staff and operating expenses of the current legislative session. Democrats called the governor veto of an initial feed bill on Friday “reckless” and claimed the courts would not have the resources needed to operate properly.
  • New numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that union membership in New Mexico grew a tenth of a percentage point in 2016; across the country union membership was down four tenths of a percentage point.
  • Education Secretary Hanna Skandera on Monday announced she will push for a 10 percent reduction in the weight student test scores have on a teacher’s evaluation. On a related note, last week a conservative think tank released a report that said New Mexico was among states that failed to “ensure that all teachers rated as effective have improved student learning.”
[Tech & Strategy]